Electric Hydrogen
Clean Tech Company Carbonizing Industries with Green Hydrogen

“I think we’re positioned now to really decarbonize these big industrial sectors. This is like rerunning the industrial revolution. The world did the industrial revolution once and got it wrong. Now we realize the problem with CO2, and we’ve got to do it over again and get it right this time. This company is one of the pivotal companies that’s driving the second industrial revolution. We’re going to drive this change to a different type of future where we don’t have to give up the ability to live without trashing the planet that we live on.”
— David Eaglesham, CTO, Electric Hydrogen
Energy Near-Term Outcome #2:
Practical power market re-designs are developed, piloted, and implemented, creating a path for wholesale energy markets to adopt clean, renewable energy.
Primary SDGs:
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
13. Climate Action
Type of Financing:
Direct Investment
S2G Investments
The Problem
Globally, nearly all hydrogen is produced at scale by extracting it from natural gas, a process that emits carbon directly into the atmosphere, even at facilities with carbon-capture technology. Hydrogen is a critical manufacturing ingredient for multiple industrial processes, including ammonia (to produce agricultural fertilizer), refining, steel production, and other critical heavy industrial use cases, as well as an emerging clean fuel source.
The Approach
Electric Hydrogen manufactures clean energy through its proprietary technology to produce green hydrogen by extracting it from water. The company’s modular electrolyzer products are designed to be built-for-purpose out of the box, on-site at the customer’s facility. This strategy reduces project risk, time to operation, construction costs, and eliminates hydrogen transportation expenses.
The Impact
Green hydrogen has no carbon byproducts, is not affected by volatile natural gas prices, and is a climate-safe replacement for conventional hydrogen at the industrial level. Electric Hydrogen’s approach will bring high-performance electrolyzers to cost-parity or a lower cost compared with conventional hydrogen. This will enable the successful economic transition to green hydrogen for the power heavy industry, which is responsible for approximately 30% of global emissions.